A life of health, vitality and joy is one choice away!
Video of large "My Vibe" group sound session
Private Sound Healing Sessions
What does a private session feel like?
Group Sessions
Group sessions are profound experiences and can be held indoors or outdoors
Group Sessions
Group sound bath meditations are a way to connect within and connect to everything around you. Some have connected to realms outside the comprehension of the human mind and take journeys into the blissful energies of the unknown. Others experience spontaneous healing, physical, emotional and spiritual. All attendees experience deep relaxation and state of peace.
Group ceremonies involve a ritual of sort. (As seen in the cover photo on this page.) There are full and new moon ceremonies, solstices, equinoxes, weddings, celebrations, honoring of an element, occasion or deity and more. Each ceremony will have its own unique specialty and include a meditation and other ritual such as smudging, toning the body with sound, cleansing auras, spaces, and geographical areas and more.

What is a Sound Bath?
Why Atttend a Sound Healing?
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