Which is it?
Time to make a wish
Angels are with you
Pay attention to your thought
Message from a spiritual master
Portal opening
How it began for me
Most people who know me are familiar with how often I see repeated numbers, especially 1111. I've been seeing 1111 since I was in the ninth grade and my first boyfriend officially became boyfriend and girlfriend on that date.After that relationship, I continued to see 1111 my whole life. I see it on clocks, license plates, signs, in nature and more. I see it pretty much everywhere. Even 40+ years later, I continue to see these repeated ones. And not only 1111, I see 111, 222, 333, 444 - well all of them!
There are many different explanations and they all bring you some kind of message. For me, I always pay attention. I look at what is happening in that moment that I see those numbers. What am I thinking? Who was I talking to or thinking about? What were we saying? Many times it is a confirmation for me to what was happening or said.
Let's look at what is the significance is of 1111 and why all these repeating ones are seen by so many people.
Angel Numbers
1111 is often returned to as an angel number
Meaning that angels are by your side with love and protection, and bring guidance and clarity
Angels are asking you to notice what is happening at that time or what you were thinking
Be open to listening within yourself for messages
It is also a reassurance from the angels that all is well
Make a Wish
You are being called to take action
Set an intention
It's time to take a step towards your desires
Or simply make a wish
Pay Attention to your thoughts
1111 can be a signal to watch what you're thinking about
A reminder that all things in your life are the results of your thoughts and feelings
If you were thinking about the past, or any kind of lack or fear, it's time to shift that. An easy way is to ask, how could this be better?
Messages from the Masters
11:11 has been known to symbolize the spiritual masters, who impacted humanity and shifted the energy of the planet throughout history
Could be Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, and many others sending you the message to be a master at being your true self
A Reminder that your true self is love
Message to Be the best human you can be
Portal Opening
Portals are doorways to other dimensions and times. Seeing 1111 as a portal entrance reaffirms much of the above information. You are entering a portal to the knowledge and wisdom from another dimensions and times, such as from your higher self, Masters, angels, spirit guides, ancestors and more.
The two sets of ones (1111) together are like columns as seen in the opening photo of the ancient temple of Apollo in Turkey, and still use an architecture today. These 1111 columns create an entrance to a portal to many ancient and modern temples. Dolmens appear like that as well. See photo below.
1111 can also be direct channel opening between your human self and your spiritual self
Portal is one of the most popular meanings
November 11 every year is also called a portal. It is a great opportunity to create positive change, shift timelines and become more of your true self.
Above you see the four stones placed here creating the 1111 in the ancient Poulnabrone Dolman in Ireland. Dolmens are portals used by the ancients and others today for shifting states of consciousness, dimensions, timelines, and more.
It is no coincidence that every year from November 11 (11/11) until January 11 (1/11) we are going through a period called the months of the Divine Trinity. This is a divine time, or portal, that has amazing opportunities for you during these three months. It takes time to awaken, embrace your true divine light, and take some action.
Ideas for Action
Become aware of what you're thinking and doing when you see repeated numbers
Take note, write it down or just mentally, what you were thinking about, talking or doing during the moments that you noticed the repeated numbers
Pause when you see these numbers and to go within, be quiet and listen for the messages
Best of luck to you on your journey. Feel free to share your synchronicities and awakenings. I would love to hear from you!
Peace and Love to all beings everywhere,